Funk is a great word. I like the way it sounds. In my head, it often sounds like Samuel Jackson is saying it.
I typically use it to describe a style of music. Funk a blend of jazz and soul and R&B with a strong base line. Think of the theme from Shaft by Isaac Hayes. Yeah, Get down with your bad self for a second. That is the good kind of funk. It lifts you up and can make today a good day.
Then . . there's another kind of funk. The funk that indicates a state of depression. That's the funk we want to avoid. Getting into a funk can happen anywhere to anyone and be caused by almost any thing. Once you are in a funk, getting out takes effort.
The thing is, that people that practice having a good day are less likely to get into a funk and have a set of tools that will help them get out. When you have a good day routine, you have a built-in life preserver.
Listening to something funky (or almost any kind of music) can help get me out of a funk. What you use might be totally different but now is a good time to figure out what that thing is.
[Full disclaimer: Something can also *smell* funky . . and that can cause your day not to be AS good but some Stevie Wonder should be able to fix you right up.]